Bulk conversion service

I got this idea. Considering the high costs of converting gooddollars to us dollars, How can we create a bulk conversion service where smaller transactions are bulked up together with other transactions for conversion of gooddollars to us dollars? Like a bulk processing service.

I think it will be very beneficial and could position gooddollar as one of the the reserve currency of the fuse network for conversions to us dollars. Something like this is very much needed.


That’s a very good idea, supported 100%

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And lastly i suggest this so users have a more affordable way of doing fiat conversions. I would not mind doing this even if i have to convert fuse or other fuse network tokens into gooddollars so to use the feature. And it makes it worth the possible wait until enough transactions are gathered to be able to do this conversion in bulk.

Coinbase has done a version of this so its replicable but for gooddollar or fuse to fiat conversions. Coinbase rolls out Bitcoin transaction batching | by Coinbase | The Coinbase Blog

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Hello, Oliver, I am very happy that you are constantly active proposing ideas. but I want to clarify that the Discourse Forum (Where are you right now) is to present proposals in its almost final stage. so if you plan one from scratch you should start on the Discord channel in the governance section. To present it here it is necessary that you are following the rules of the Gip-0 if it is difficult for you, I am sure that any of us from the moderation team will be able to accompany you. Having said this, I ask you to please make a backup copy of your proposals and launch them in the discord channel (in the special section for Governance) from there the proposals that are not defined should be born. the moderation team will accompany you in the doubts and you can seek feedback with the entire community. After having the copy, please delete your publications that you consider do not follow the format established in the Gip-0 According to the Gooddao. Otherwise we will remove some to maintain a better order in the channel. Thank you very much in advance for your understanding and we are enthusiastic about improving the protocol.

hey Andrés!

I think you might be confusing Governance proposals to with overall discussions related or not related to governance that might be discussed in a civilized way through Discourse.

Discord is good! But if we want to keep trace of ideas from the community, Discourse is THE right place to discuss these.

@oliver18754 your idea is good! If you want to pass from ideation to execution, I’d really advise you to explain “how” such a bulk conversion service will work, and if you need some support from GoodDollar LLC or from the GoodDAO.

the ideas around here are not being properly managed, it is useless for them to be here if in the end nothing else is done. and in that they remain in ideas, here it is full of ideas that are not formed and will never advance from Discourse, ideas can be born and can be advised so that it is presented in Gip format to then do it and then come back here with something more established and See what the community thinks.

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I understand your concerns. I suggest you then to propose some prescribed structure about how and where to discuss these.

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