Gooddollar New Moderators (GIMT)

Hello, Gooddollar community!

We are thrilled and honored to join the Gooddollar project as your new community moderators. We are the GIMT team, and our mission is to support the growth and success of this incredible project by fostering a positive, inclusive, and engaging community.

We understand that building a strong and vibrant community requires trust, communication, and collaboration. That’s why we’ve made it our top priority to ensure that your voices are heard, your concerns are addressed, and your contributions are recognized and rewarded. Our team is passionate about the values and mission of Gooddollar, and we are dedicated to creating an open and welcoming space for all.

As your community moderators, we will be here to facilitate communication, support your initiatives, and help you navigate any challenges or questions you may have. Together, we will create a community that is not only supportive and inclusive, but also fun and engaging. We have a host of exciting events and programs planned, from informative AMAs to creative contests, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

As we begin our journey as your community moderators, we are excited to announce our plans for the upcoming weeks. In week 1, we will focus on attracting new members to the community and growing our presence, while also introducing the Gooddollar Academy, a series of educational resources and webinars. In week 2, we’ll be hosting Ask Me Anything sessions on Telegram to answer your questions and engage with the community. In week 3, we’ll be planning themed events and continuing the Gooddollar Academy to help deepen your knowledge and understanding of the project.

We’re confident that these initiatives will help us build a strong, thriving, and engaged community. We are excited to embark on this journey with you, and we look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions along the way. Thank you for your support and participation, and let’s create a Gooddollar community that’s the envy of the crypto world!

Thank you again for trusting us with this responsibility, and we look forward to serving you in the weeks and months to come.


That’s a great idea to engage existing users while attracting new ones!

I have a suggestion tho, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are much more popular and have a much bigger user base than Telegram. Why not expand the AMA sessions on these platforms? YouTube lives and Instagram Reels would also have a lot of eyeballs watching… The effort would be the same - hosting an AMA session - but if you dedicate some time in the distribution your work will show up to many many more people, further strengthening GoodDollar’s user base



Check out the attached document for our schedules and plans for the Gooddollar Community!


Where will new people be found? All channels (wallet & telegram) have been used + we cannot be a part if inviting people as we have done so? Cheers



Hello, Gooddollar Community!

We’re presenting our Report for the first week of work as your new Moderators. In order to adhere to the Moderation Report principles, we’re reporting based on some key performance indicators (KPIs). We encourage you to read our full report to learn more about our first week as Moderators. It’s available at this link:

We hope this report will provide you with valuable insights into our progress and performance during this exciting transition period. We appreciate your continued support and hope that this report provides you with a clear understanding of our work and progress.




Hello, Gooddollar Community!

We’re excited to present our Week 2 report as your new Moderators. Our second week has been filled with growth, engagement, and improvements that continue to shape our community.

Throughout this week, we’ve focused on fostering community growth and education while addressing various concerns and implementing new strategies. We’ve seen progress in noise reduction, user sign-ups, UBI claims, and community moderation.

Our efforts have resulted in:

-A successful AMA session, which attracted both community members and non-members.

-A reduction in noise within the main community channel due to the new guidelines.

-The compilation of valuable educational content for the Gooddollar Academy.

-An increase in new user sign-ups and UBI claims.

-Swift resolutions for all reported cases, with zero pending cases.

We remain committed to transparency and inclusivity as we work towards a stronger, more engaging community experience. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to sharing our progress in the coming weeks.

To read more about our Week 2 report, please click here: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.