Protocol & G$ Liquidity Group

Name: Israel James Umoh
Language: English
Relationship to gooddollar community: none
Do you use DEXes?: Yes
Experiment with deploying liquidity: no
How can you contribute to the group: honestly I’m hoping to learn and contribute to the best of my ability.
No feedback.


Name: Kobbybles

Telegram: kobbybles

Languages spoken: English

How are you related to the GoodDollar community?
I’m a member three years ago and still claiming wish to become ambassador in Ghana west Africa

Do you use DEXes? Yes

Have you experimented with deploying liquidity?not really but have been following

How can you contribute to the group?
Once I become ambassador in my community working harder to bring good dollar the best future to the poor

Any other information or feedback about this initiative that you would like to share? The future of good dollar is very bright I’m in and always claiming free money :moneybag:


I am also in.

Name: Ivan

Telegram: @vidakis1976

Languages spoken: Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegro and English.

How are you related to the GoodDollar community? I am active staker on HaloFi app, and I am with GoodDollar initiative and community from 29.01.2021 when was my first claim transaction.

Do you use DEXes? Non Stop

Have you experimented with deploying liquidity? I did

How can you contribute to the group?
I would like to experiment more with liquidity and smart contracts in general.

Any other information or feedback about this initiative that you would like to share? I would like to say that I am into crypto since the beginning, from 2011, and I saw a lot of ups and downs in this industry, but eventually GoodDollar initiative became one of my favorite crypto projects, because I see determination and goal oriented mindset, like mine. I would really like to contribute in any way, maybe even just translating . Thank you in advance.
Greetings, Ivan


Name: Salvador López
Telegram: @salvalopezm
Languages spoken:
Spanish, English, rudiments of French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan.
How are you related to the GoodDollar community? Ambassador
Do you use DEXes?
Have you experimented with deploying liquidity? I’m familiar with how they work, always willing to keep learning
How can you contribute to the group? I’m willing to experiment new user experience ways, and give feedback as both user and contributor
Any other information or feedback about this initiative that you would like to share?
I’m excited to dedicate time to help GoodDollar protocol to get back on its feet

1 Like

Sounds good, i am looking forward to it

Name: Ramón
Telegram: ramontilla
Languages spoken: Native Spanish and intermediate English
How are you related to the GoodDollar community? I’m a claimer
Do you use DEXes? No
Have you experimented with deploying liquidity? No
How can you contribute to the group? I can learn about liquidity providing, market making, smart contracts and related topics to collaborate in the activities.
Any other information or feedback about this initiative that you would like to share? Increase the activity in the pools would allow collect income that can benefit the community.


Good information,am not good enough

Hello! A heartfelt thank you to everyone interested in joining our group! For those who have shared their Telegram handles, I’ve added you to the Telegram group for smoother coordination and to kick off the first call this Thursday (march 7th)!. Please join if you haven’t got the invite:


Hi Han! Thanks for showing interest in joining the group! I’ve created a Telegram group for smoother coordination and to kick off the first call this Thursday (march 7th)!. Please join:


Name: Olua Daniel

Telegram: @olua0

Languages spoken: English, and average French

How are you related to the GoodDollar community? I have been a member of GoodDollar for more than 3 years, and have been participating in stakings and other activities by the community.

Do you use DEXes? Yes, I have been trading crypto currencies with Decentralize Exchanges for more than 5 years so I am well acquainted with DEXes.

How can you contribute to the group? I am a final year student of computer science, and I have personally done researches on cryptography and block chain, so I will like to use the knowledge to collaborate with every member of GoodDollar Community to boost and better the vision and mission of GoodDollar, while expanding my knowledge too.


I would love to participate.

Telegram: Ashley Powell
*Languages spoken:*English
How are you related to the GoodDollar community?: I just use the app to claim GoodDollar
Do you use DEXes?: Yes
Have you experimented with deploying liquidity? Yes
How can you contribute to the group?: Im not real experienced with the DEXes but I am learning everyday and can give feedback on new user experiences.
Any other information or feedback about this initiative that you would like to share?: Just excited to see what comes out of this team work


I would be part of its.
Van you count me in.

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Hello, please share with me your telegram user to add you at the liquidity group.

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Could you make sure I don’t get removed from the group? My telegram is Phalactic


Please, write me on TG to understand what do you need


My telegram is Hamid FR

1 Like

Great idea, I think it would be worth sharing some information for the laymen, some late adopters may seem intimidated but the jargon

Telegram: @ADDaydreamer
Languages spoken: Polish, Dutch, English
How are you related to the GoodDollar community?: I am new to the game and I am an active clamer and staker with ambitions to get to the next level
Do you use DEXes: no
Have you experimented with deploying liquidity?: No, I am new to crypto game but I am strongly dedicated to learn quick and I want to contribute to this community and project as much as I can.
How can you contribute to the group?: For now I can contribute by participating in events, meetings and building up social network within G$ community. I am going for sure to contribute more and more as I learn quick and I am serious about my engagement
Any other information or feedback about this initiative that you would like to share?: I am excited about being a part of this project and community. I am learning crypto, blockchain knowledge and trading game and I am learning quick. I want to be an active participant in present and futurte projects related to G$ token and its community. I hope that even thpugh I am a newbie, I will be accepted as a part of this community and projects related to this. I am going to be a valuable asset and you will not regret having me.


Please leave your apply here to make sure that your apply is successful.


Really interested, wish to participate. Kindly consider me.