Protocol & G$ Liquidity Group

Name: Olua Daniel

Telegram: @olua0

Languages spoken: English, and average French

How are you related to the GoodDollar community? I have been a member of GoodDollar for more than 3 years, and have been participating in stakings and other activities by the community.

Do you use DEXes? Yes, I have been trading crypto currencies with Decentralize Exchanges for more than 5 years so I am well acquainted with DEXes.

How can you contribute to the group? I am a final year student of computer science, and I have personally done researches on cryptography and block chain, so I will like to use the knowledge to collaborate with every member of GoodDollar Community to boost and better the vision and mission of GoodDollar, while expanding my knowledge too.


I would love to participate.

Telegram: Ashley Powell
*Languages spoken:*English
How are you related to the GoodDollar community?: I just use the app to claim GoodDollar
Do you use DEXes?: Yes
Have you experimented with deploying liquidity? Yes
How can you contribute to the group?: Im not real experienced with the DEXes but I am learning everyday and can give feedback on new user experiences.
Any other information or feedback about this initiative that you would like to share?: Just excited to see what comes out of this team work


I would be part of its.
Van you count me in.

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Hello, please share with me your telegram user to add you at the liquidity group.

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Could you make sure I don’t get removed from the group? My telegram is Phalactic


Please, write me on TG to understand what do you need


My telegram is Hamid FR

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Great idea, I think it would be worth sharing some information for the laymen, some late adopters may seem intimidated but the jargon

Telegram: @ADDaydreamer
Languages spoken: Polish, Dutch, English
How are you related to the GoodDollar community?: I am new to the game and I am an active clamer and staker with ambitions to get to the next level
Do you use DEXes: no
Have you experimented with deploying liquidity?: No, I am new to crypto game but I am strongly dedicated to learn quick and I want to contribute to this community and project as much as I can.
How can you contribute to the group?: For now I can contribute by participating in events, meetings and building up social network within G$ community. I am going for sure to contribute more and more as I learn quick and I am serious about my engagement
Any other information or feedback about this initiative that you would like to share?: I am excited about being a part of this project and community. I am learning crypto, blockchain knowledge and trading game and I am learning quick. I want to be an active participant in present and futurte projects related to G$ token and its community. I hope that even thpugh I am a newbie, I will be accepted as a part of this community and projects related to this. I am going to be a valuable asset and you will not regret having me.


Please leave your apply here to make sure that your apply is successful.


Really interested, wish to participate. Kindly consider me.