Community Moderation Grant

At GoodDollar, we believe in community-powered everything.

As we continue our shared journey of decentralization and community building (hello, GoodDAO!) we are passing on the critical role of community moderation to you - the GoodDollar community.

Once the governance is agreed upon this Thursday (February 3, 2022) [read more here], the community will begin voting and selected the very trusted members around the world to build its own moderation team, taking over the responsibilities and accountabilities to effectively onboard, education and power new members to the GoodDollar ecosystem.

This grant requires 100 hours per week in community moderation across the various community-led social media and communication channels. (e.g. if 4 people are selected, each of them would be working for our community 25 hours per week).

You can read the full scope of work on this page here.

Are you a community builder and mentor, and excited to help onboard the next 100M users to DeFi? If this sounds like you, please reply to this thread with the following information:

  • name
  • telegram
  • discord
  • country
  • languages spoken
  • Tell us about any previous experience with community moderation
  • How did you first hear about GoodDollar?
  • Are there any community moderation functions we’ve missed and should be included?
  1. name: Progress promise-Birah

  2. Telegram: @HycintB

  3. discord: proz#4390

  4. country: Nigeria

  5. languages spoken: English

  6. Tell us about any previous experience with community moderation: I have managed communities on Telegram, Facebook and WhatsApp. The most relevant to this application is the LBANK community management role which I occupied for about 4 months, in which time I served to start and keep conversations going during my shift, hosted AMAs, regulated chats and posts and answered questions of community members.

  7. How did you first hear about GoodDollar?: On Medium and from a friend

Are there any community moderation functions we’ve missed and should be included? Hosting of "Ask me Anything’s (AMAs) and community calls and coordinating games in the community.


Good day I’ll like to join and be active in work with goodDollar!!! I’m
Telegram: Alkasimjazzy
Discord: Jazzydden
Country: Nigeria
Language: English and hausa
Experience: I can work with for hours :+1: I can manage the telegram group by answering the questions regarding about the projects as long as I know…stirring some conversation… I’ve 5yrs experience for being a telegram moderator/support with a lot of project to their goal.
Hear about goodDollar: I first hear from telegram



TELEGRAM: @FocusedSteve

DISCORD: stephen#2969

COUNTRY: Nigeria/pidgin


MY EXPERIENCE: Community Moderation has been one of my major role in the Crypto Industry and I love doing it. Helping people/Community with the right Information as quickly as possible has been one of my experience.

Basically, I started as Community Manager in Crypto Bootcamp a Crypto education platform Nigeria with 150 + users( UNIBEN COMMUNITY) I have also Moderated Nano Foundation Global Official Telegram with over 10,000 Community members

And lastly I have been moderating several Groups in Gooddollar Community ranging from, Gooddollar Telegram Official telegram group Gooddollar Facebook Market place, Facebook page, Sharetribe Market place, Gooddollar Nigeria Telegram for the past six months Volunteering. I have hosted Two AMA
sessions at Gooddollar Official telegram Group to clear some worrying Question for users last year.


I knew about Gooddollar last year, from a friend via WhatsApp , after attending my second Blockchain Conference organised in my school
and got more Clarification from the Travis one time team Member and fell in love the project I did my research I loved every bit of it.

COMMUNITY MODERATION FUNCTIONS: The function I suggest we can have weekly or monthly Crypto Education class as form Ubi for everyone including updates to get everyone inclusive. From all indications, we need to utilize Gooddollar UBi Education to Community members


Name: Ebere onyibor

Telegram : @paige90

Discord : paige#4529

Country :Nigeria

Languages spoken : English and igbo language.

In all honesty, I haven’t been a moderator before, working tirelessly to be one and give it all I got.

I got to know about Good dollar through a friend, we belong to the same group where we share ideas on everything crypto, I believe in the universal basic income for all and as such have brought few people through my link.


Buen día, mi nombre: Manuel Andrés Muñoz Quemba creo que tengo la capacidad para moderar en la comunidad de GoodDollar.

telegrama: MAMQ01

discordia: Andrés Muñoz Quemba #8824

país: Colombia

idiomas hablados: Español nativo, inglés básico.

Cuéntanos sobre cualquier experiencia previa con la moderación de la comunidad: Administrando pequeños grupos de Nfts en discord (200) y ayudo a administrar un grupo de GoodDollar en telegram con cerca de 900 miembros (filántropos o lo que ahora es GoodDollar Swap)

¿Cómo se enteró por primera vez de GoodDollar?: Medios de comunicación

¿Hay alguna función de moderación de la comunidad que nos hayamos perdido y debamos incluir?: Conocimiento del protocolo y la calidez para recibir a los nuevos miembros.


name: Mayowa Ewuoso

telegram: @EwuosoMayowa

discord: EwuosoMayowa#4634

country: Nigeria

languages spoken:English and Yoruba

Tell us about any previous experience with community moderation: I have worked as community moderator for the following projects DefiDollar, EpiKProtocol, BitDotCountry and Rebaked. I did the following:

Publish content that meets the brand’s communication style

Implement social media strategies to increase engagement & followers

Stay up-to-date with the latest industry and digital trends

Responding to inquiries & comments on social platforms in a timely manner

Build relationships with the online community
Monitor and provide feedback on engagement/conversation via social media channels to leadership

How did you first hear about GoodDollar?
I heard about GoodDollar from a friend who shared a link where I could claim daily.

Are there any community moderation functions we’ve missed and should be included?

Encourage community members to moderate one another

Keep an eye out for any potential cyberbullying, spamming, or other harmful behavior that may be happening in the community

Create a community policy and enforce it

1 Like
name: César Cordero
telegram: @rockcesar
discord: @rockcesar#7550
country: Venezuela
languages spoken: English and Spanish
Tell us about any previous experience with community moderation:
    I moderate many groups in Telegram, about cryptocurrencies and Software Development.
How did you first hear about GoodDollar?:
    Before it enters on Mainnet, I mined it before it was released.
Are there any community moderation functions we’ve missed and should be included?:
    G$ swap for most of cases, because there are few options for swapping.
  • name

  • telegram

  • discord

  • country

  • languages spoken

  • Tell us about any previous experience with community moderation
    I’ve working for several projects within the blockchain community. I’m working as an ambassador , . moderator and counselor in Uhive for social metaverse project. Working as an ambassador in Punkpanda blockchain messenger app.

  • How did you first hear about GoodDollar?
    Via telegram in one channel

  • Are there any community moderation functions we’ve missed and should be included?
    Later I’ll sure tell you if i feel any. Right now it’s okay.

Name Jose Peralta
Country: MEXICO
Telegram @josead12
Twitter @josead119676
Disc josead11#6459
Spanish Language
Moderation experience: none
How I found out: Twitter post
Are there any community moderation features we’ve missed that we should include?

Bots with instant auto-responses such as greeting new members price charts etc. be constantly updating the fixed publicsions, with a word always call the administrator moderator or specific person always keep members warned not to give their private keys to anyone all this with the bots and hand in hand with moderators


hey all!! It’s amazing to see all these applications!!

I’d like just to remind, that strategically speaking, we would be needing people with facilities to cover the following territories and channels

  1. Global channels (English) 2) Nigeria 3) India 4) Argentina 5) Spanish (all channels) 6) Vietnam

@Proz @Jazzy @Steve @Paige @MAMQ01 @Gallantmayor @rockcesar @BeardedMan @josead11 can I suggest you guys to add a photo to your discourse profile!!?? Better if the same photo (if any) you use in other community channels (telegram, discord, twitter, facebook) so the community has a hint about who are you guys and how they feel about selecting you as Community Moderators.

@jessica (pls add your photo too :blush:) I think we have enought number of candidates now… let’s give a couple of days to this and then we can launch the financial track GIP. What do you think?


Name: Daniel Aja
Telegram: @DanPatris
Discord: @AJdaniel#0649
Country: Nigeria
Language spoken: English
Tell us about any previous experience with community moderation: In my few years in the Crypto space I have been privileged to work with few projects and exchanges.
The recent one being the position that I was offered by Bybit as a community manager and tutor where I respond to community questions
and handle tutorial on the basis of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Crypto trading weekly for New members into the community.

How did you first hear about GoodDollar?: From a friend.

Are there any community moderation functions we’ve missed and should be included? : Creating a regular contest that can increase the twitter community engagement.


Tienes mi voto y también hay que elaborar las respuestas automáticas en el canal.


tremenda la entrada de bots…hay que limpiar esto un poco


cuando es la votacion?

En unos dias dijo Segovia

@oliver75montes @josead11 @MAMQ01 please keep the conversation in english!!!

Oliver: we are planning to launch the vote today evening.

GIP proposed at [GIP-1] Community Moderation Election.

Discussion is closed here so Please follow that link.

I hope this is clear enough


hey Paige! it is clear, yes!! but my request was adding it to your discourse profile, no to this thread! :sweat_smile:

Captura de pantalla 2022-02-17 a las 18.30.46